#13 Data Privacy and Immersive for Social Good

- Justin Fyles of Any One Thing -

Any One Thing

“When you broke into this room, and busted open this file cabinet, you pulled out a dossier.. The dossier was actually on you
-Justin Fyles


     Any One Thing, can be thought of as similar to the futuristic Netflix series, ‘Black Mirror’ (excluding episode 1, for any who stopped there). Subtracting a heavy portion of darkness, ‘Any One Thing’ (or A1T) explores the edge of what could be possible with technology, today, or in the very near future. 

     A1T, Co-founder, Justin Fyles joins Immersion Nation to discuss everything from data privacy to the relationship between mortality and digital legacy; The topic of their upcoming show. We touch on ‘Recollection’, their previous immersive theater work, along with some broader strokes around the business of immersive entertainment as a whole. 

Make it immersive:

Redwall [21:13]

Selected links: 

Any One Thing

Shortage, East London
-Redwall Series
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Black Mirror
-Sleep No More
Secret Cinema
-The origin of thespian 

Show Notes:

Why the train?: [3:29]
Fictional world: [4:05]
What is Any One Thing?: [5:15]
Using data in immersive experience: [8:00]
The last show: Recollection: [9:27]
How your data gets processed: [10:26]
The Upcoming show: mortality and digital legacy [11:45]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind & owning your personal memories [13:07]
Designing the new show. Very site specific [14:40] 
The immersive business model: sustainable and fair [17:28]
On Punchdrunk and Sleep No More: [18:36]
Make it immersive: Redwall [21:13]
Breaking reality gently [23:55]
Extending the immersive world [27:00]
The value of play: [29:25] 
Coming from the tech world + Origins [31:28]
New work vs. Adapted work [38:36]
The trick with the word ‘Immersive’ [42:08]
Where is Any One Thing [44:30]